Home Security At Holiday Time

Posted on: May 25, 2020 by in Uncategorized
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Home Security At Holiday Time

Before departing for your much earned holiday be wise and review your home security.
The latest figures from the FBI show a burglary occurs every 15.4 seconds in the USA. The majority of these break ins take place when the householder is away from the home.
A great number of these burglaries could be prevented by beefing up your home security and installing a home security system.

The installation of a home security alarm, and home security surveillance cameras is one of the most common and effective ways to improve the security of your home instantly.

Many of these home security products also have the option of home security monitoring. But the installation of these devices does not guarantee you immunity, other steps and precautions need to taken to improve you overall security.

Some of the less expensive options available include installing motion sensor lighting around the perimeter of your home.

As well as the external security there is a great deal that can be done inside the home to improve security. Check all locks on doors and windows replace any defective locks.
Patio sliding doors offer the opportunist thief just what they are looking for easy access , the reason is usually poor maintenance or security (broken lock) don’t get caught out this way thinking it will never happen, it does and it will.

Take these steps to make your sliding door even more secure consider installing a blocking device such as a “Charlie bar” or some other type of track blocker to prevent the door from sliding open.
At the very least you should block the track with a steel rod or wooden dowel to prevent any movement.

Where possible use a home safe to store any valuables include such items as keys to outbuildings, garages, other vehicles and any other device that requires a key.
You should also hide any personal documents and identity information in your home safe as well.
If you don’t have a home safe consider using a post office vault especially if you live in a high crime area.

Giving the impression someone is at home is a great way to dissuade a burglar and is key to improving home security. This can be achieved by using timers in various rooms to switch lights an appliances off and on at differing times of the day. Be smart though and apply this tactic to more than one room in your house.

Other security measures include stopping your mail and paper deliveries. If you have two vehicles leave one parked on your driveway or ask a neighbor to park in your driveway whilst you are away.
Leave a key with a trusted neighbor or relative and ask them to check your home periodically. Switch off any answering machine don’t be tempted to leave a message saying you are on vacation.

Ensure all outbuildings are secure, making sure any tools in your garage that could be used to gain access are under lock and key.
No matter what steps and security measures you take your home will never be 100% secure.
But the harder you make it for a burglar to gain entry the stronger your home security will be.

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