Algae Resistant Roof Shingles

Posted on: July 6, 2020 by in Uncategorized
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Algae Resistant Roof Shingles

Many homeowners are burdened with unwelcome house guests every year. It’s not the kind of guests that you’re thinking of, however, as this guest doesn’t enter the home. It invites itself to sit on your roof and causes unsightly discoloration. It’s algae and it effects a lot of homeowners, particularly those who live in areas of high humidity. Algae, however, doesn’t discriminate against those who don’t live in highly humid climates. It will attach to any roof and can be carried through wind, squirrels, birds, etc.

The Copper Concept

The concept behind algae resistant roof shingles is actually quite simple. Copper, which is a main ingredient in this new innovation of shingles, stops algae before it attaches to your home. Homeowners can now purchase shingles that have copper built directly into the colored granules. The copper isn’t visible, but it’s presence is certainly felt by unsuspecting algae as it is unable to survive on your roof‘s surface. With use of these new products, your entire roof becomes an unwelcoming host to algae. Expectedly, these shingles will cost a few extra bucks, but are well worth the extra cost when you factor the expense of algae removal. The copper or zinc present in algae resistant shingles are activated further by rain, which distributes the algae fighting components even further along the roof’s surface. Rain generally promotes moisture on the roof, which serves as a breeding ground for algae. Thankfully, that’s no longer the case thanks to algae resistant roof shingles.

Manufacturers Of Algae Resistant Roof Shingles

Many of today’s top shingle manufacturers offer algae resistant roof shingles, which can be installed by a local roofing contractor. They have access to a wide variety of products, including shingles with attractive colors to compliment your home. A roofing contractor normally gets a discount on these items and, in turn, may be able to pass that savings onto the customer. In many cases, warranties are even offered to cover algae resistant shingles. Always choose a company that stands behind their product.

Locating A Professional

A professional roofing contractor in your area will be able to order, and install, your choice of algae resistant roof shingles. After locating the perfect contractor, ask them for a quote and an expected timeframe. It may be a good idea to get several quotes from different contractors before making a final decision. Knowing that your roof is protected, from unwanted algae, will give you a greater peace of mind and allow your home to remain beautiful and fungus-free.

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